Pathway: isDon's home -> Photos home ->
The purpose of this site is essentially to display my images, demonstrate my web site design capabilities and, hopefully, encourage someone to give me some work :- ) .
This site is best viewed at a resolution of 1024 x 768 or above, but should be barely acceptable at 800 x 600.
The HTML files on the site are created using PHP and a MySQL database, with CSS used for the layout. I have deliberately avoided using JavaScript, Java, Flash or any other plugins that are browser-dependent or otherwise prevent the user from using the site.
I have tested the site on Netscape 7.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0 at both of the above-listed resolutions. I have validated, via the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) , the static HTML files, the CSS files and a random sampling of the PHP-created HTML files to ensure the site complies with accessibility guidelines.
The MySQL database is accessed via a public login with read-only permissions, meaning my data is safe from tampering. There is a private area on the site, available to friends and relatives, which is password-protected.
I use the term 'images' rather than 'photos' as some of my images have been digitally manipulated, or are digital creations. While they all have a photographic beginning, I believe it is misleading to call all of them photos. There is an ongoing debate within the photographic community about the validity of digital imagery. As far as I'm concerned this is a legitimate art form and is as natural a photographic progression as the change from black and white to colour film, or from glass plates to film.
My images can be viewed either by geographic location or by subject category. I have listed the locations that I have visited, and the attractions from which I've taken photos, with brief details of the location and attraction. I've also sorted all images into subject categories, along with a brief explanation of why I take photos of that particular subject.
You may also view a selection of what I consider my best images. Anywhere you see a thumbnail image, clicking on the image will display the full-size version.
When viewing an image at full size, printed above the image are details
of the image. Listed below the image are details of its geographic location,
attraction and subject. Clicking on any of the links will give you
more information about that category, as well as thumbnails
of all the images in that category, or you may use the arrow buttons to view
other images within those categories.
to go to the first image in the category.
to go to the previous image in the category.
to go to the next image in the category.
to go to the last image in the category.
I still have thousands more images to upload, so please keep coming back for more!