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My travels

I am currently travelling around Australia in a campervan. As I travel, I intend uploading details of where I've been and what I've done, along with my images. I still have thousands of photos to process and upload from early in my travels, so some of the links below have brief information about them but few images. Then I have the thousands of photos from before then . . .


Gammon Ranges (Vulkathunha) National Park

Very different from the neighbouring Flinders Ranges National Park, which is just to the south. Much more rocky, less trees, more desert-like. Consisting of barren, rocky, Mars-like hills. Creek beds, with their River Red Gums, appear to be the only source of life, yet they too are dry and rocky.

My trip was highly enjoyable, in mid-May, but I'd hate to think what it would be like in mid-summer. I imagine the heat at that time would be unbearable.

Tasmania South Australia Victoria Australian Capital Territory Western Australia New South Wales Queensland Northern Territory

All images and content on this site © Don O'Connor.

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